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Poems for love, poems for wedding and gifts poem |

Assign from the kdo Custopolis with poetry, selections, praise poems to human beings that we love, couples, she, him, friends and acquaintances to demonstrate them our commitment.

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Personalised love poem

Valentine's Day, your engagement or your wedding is approaching, and you are looking for an original way to express your love to your bride. Unless you just want to give a nice little gift, offer a little attention to say I love you and express romantic sweet words to your soul mate. We print for you a personalised poem with her, his first name for the chosen one of your heart. You choose among our romantic decors, the one you prefer. You declare your love with a personalised poem printed on a sentimental background. In the Middle Ages, the public writer created poems for lovers. With our modern version of the scribe, you will be able to create a personalised poem that will please the one you love. Are you looking for a romantic and creative gift for your beloved or sweetheart? To show him or her your love, to apologise or just to tell him or her that you miss him or her? A poem for Valentine's Day, for a wedding anniversary, or to meet words of love to reconcile... Offering a personalised love poem is a moving and powerful act to prove your love. It strengthens the bonds of love in your couple. Whether for a young couple or for a long-time couple, a personalised poem is a romantic gift idea that will pleasantly surprise your partner.

  • Personalisable

Fathers day poem to customise

Not sure what to offer your dad for his Father’s Day or his birthday? How about a personalised poem? It’s probably the right sentimental gift, a unique gift from the heart. To be a father is to be the hero of his children, an accomplice, a model, a shoulder, a counsellor, a guardian angel ... On Father's Day, how about putting them in honour with a personalised poem. Present that he can put under a frame and place in the dining room, the living room, his office or elsewhere. He will keep it preciously, because it is a gift for life. A personalised poem is a nice touch, whether for Father's Day, for a birthday or simply to say “I love you dad”. An original gift idea and above all a beautiful message of affection, words of love for his dad, a simple and moving decorative gift for dad. A personalised poem to pay homage to his father, because he is always there for us, to show him our gratitude for all that he does for us. A dad, we only have one and without him we wouldn't even be on this earth. A dad is someone that every child can always count on and just for that, he deserves to have a nice Father's Day.

  • Personalisable

Secretary day poem to...

Secretaries' Day was born in 1951 in the United States to make up for the national shortage of qualified office staff. The United States and the United Kingdom celebrate them during the last full week of April and especially on Wednesday. In Europe, the Secretaries' Day was born in the 90s. In Belgium, we celebrate secretaries and executive assistants on April 16. They are celebrated in France and the Netherlands on the 3rd Thursday of April. We offer you a personalised poem with the first name of your executive assistant to thank her for her dedication, patience and kindness. Secretaries' Day is a time to pamper someone who tries to support you as best as possible in your professional life. The Secretaries' Day is undoubtedly the ideal day to show him your gratitude for the work accomplished every day. Whether it is a box of pralines, a flower, a present or simply a personalised poem to accompany your gift, an intention of the day is always appreciable towards the profession. Don't forget to celebrate your male or female secretaries, as this profession deserves admiration and respect. In the madness of our daily tasks, we sometimes forget to take the time to appreciate the very essential work of our assistants: dedicated, flexible, attentive, discreet and sometimes better organized than us. Real rare pearls! It is often in their absence that we realize that we cannot do without them. So think about giving them an original gift to say thank you on the occasion of Secretaries' Day.

  • Personalisable

Mothers day poem to customise

As the French writer Jean Gastaldi puts it so well in “Le Petit Livre de maman: Une maman est un porte-bonheur pour la vie” “A mom is good luck for life”. It’s true because she loves us with all her heart. For Mother's Day or for her birthday, it is really important to show her our affection in turn. We offer you a personalised poem where you could express your feelings, there is probably no better gift, nor more beautiful way to say all the love that we have for our mother. Make up a message to introduce the poem: for example, “For you dear mother” Then, you express a feeling to finish the poem and to sign it, for example “With all my heart. Your little Nanou “And to add a final touch, you can, if you wish, choose a rose or heart shaped seal. This lovely poem can accompany your mom's birthday gift to fill and move your darling mom. Mother's Day is a unique opportunity to spoil her mom, nothing better than a nice poem to express our tenderness. Offer or send your beloved mom words of affection with this personalised poem to say I love you for a special occasion, for Mother's Day or to wish her a happy birthday.

  • Personalisable

Romantic letter to customise

Are you looking for a symbolic gift idea to declare your love? Would you like a small gift for romantic events such as Valentine's Day, your dating or wedding anniversary or for the day you live together? You are looking to please your darling even if there is nothing to celebrate, just like that! Offer a passionate and personalized love letter with your two names and affirm your commitment and your love. You don’t know how to tell her your love or you want to proclaim your passion like on the first day: this letter is a nice token of your passion. This very personal gift will overwhelm certainly his heart. Because as Antoine de Saint Exupéry said “le plus grand bonheur après que d'aimer, c'est de confesser ton amour”(the greatest happiness after loving is to confess your love). However, you find it difficult to put words into your romantic feelings. This love letter with your two first names is an original way to declare or express your love. The text of the letter is generated by software and allows personalization by adding your two first names. This romantic letter can accompany and enrich a nice gift for the loved one and thus further move his sweetheart or his beloved.

  • Personalisable

Wall clock with mother day...

A personalised clock A clock to personalise with a special decoration for our mother, the most important person in our lives. It's mother's day gift ideas, original gift ideas mother's day, gifts for mum, unique gift for mother's day A personalised clock with a poem is a gift for mom or for granny. A nice Christmas present to leave your mother a lasting testimony of your affection. A comforting gift to offer, a nice and unique souvenir from her daughter or her son. A poem on a clock! A gift out of the ordinary, but which will allow your mom when she watches the time to see all the love you have for her through a poem. Personalised poem with the emotions you bring to her. You want to thank mom because she is always there to listen to you, to help you. You want to show her all your love with pretty words. A wall clock with a personalised poem for mom will certainly please her and will always be in view whether in the kitchen, the entrance hall or the living room. A great idea for an original decorative gift for Mother's Day, for her birthday or to thank her for her help during your move or for something else… How would you do without your mom who is always available and so nice. Show all your love with a personalised gift that is both useful and decorative.

  • Personalisable