Star Wars

The Star Wars science fiction saga fascinates children and adults for many years. Star Wars or the fight between good and evil inspired many other movies and books. Everybody will certainly enjoy receiving a kdo with the theme of Star Wars. It is the perfect gift for a birthday or any other occasion.

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Star wars Plush BB-9E

The Star Wars film saga is a real cultural phenomenon and has made a lot of money. The "Star Wars" films have undoubtedly made the most money. In fact, profits in 2019 amounted to over $9.491 billion. In 2018, Star Wars licenses brought in $4.651 billion, and merchandising brought in $42.1 billion, while films on various media (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) brought in over $42 billion. However, all these figures seem very abstract and when you like... BB-9E was an astromech droid aboard the Supremacy spaceship. This character was part of the "First Order", Palpatine's army that became the Emperor. BB-9E was the eyes of surveillance and was used throughout the galaxy. From the BB series, from which he keeps the characteristics, he can only express himself by electronic language and whistles. BB-9E can be equipped according to the missions it is assigned. His head is trapezoidal and not spherical like the famous BB-8. There are other features to differentiate him from other droids. This BB-9E is in the colours of the First Order, i.e. shiny black and is very effective in its surveillance activities. BB-9E will appeal to many fans as a birthday gift for a girl, boy or anyone else. This droid can also be an original gift idea for Mother's Day, an unique gift for Father's Day, an original kids gift, a Christmas gift idea for...

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Star Wars Good and Evil Mug

May 4 seems to many people to be a day that is completely identical to May 3 or 5, with no special features and no known holidays or anniversaries. Nevertheless, May 4th is the day of the Star Wars holiday and is often the occasion for the introduction of new characters that are added and take their place in the Star Wars saga. This holiday is the source of events that are reinforced by festivals and fan-generated concentrations. Some theme parks such as Disney, which bought the Star Wars licence and Lucasfilms in 2013, and other companies, which do not always have direct links with Star Wars, take the opportunity to communicate, celebrate and reinforce May 4th as Star Wars Day. It is an opportunity for Disney to introduce new characters. However, there are many objects that are part of the Star Wars world that do not always receive as much publicity when they are released, such as the Star Wars mug, which nevertheless deserves praise. For it is undoubtedly one of the most used and frequently seen everyday objects that immediately refers to the Star Wars universe. However, you can also keep this mug in your Star Wars collection without ever using it in your daily life. This Star Wars mug is the essential gift for fans (young and old) of the saga that can be offered as a birthday gift or as a cute gift for Mother's Day or as a special gift for Dad.

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Star Wars umbrella

Star Wars is a film that has been a classic of its kind for many, many years. The subject of the film, for film-weaned citizens, is an intergalactic epic that the whole world knows from having seen it or simply heard about it. Star Wars is a futuristic war between good and evil. But an umbrella is a very down-to-earth accessory, used for a very long time, in China (since the 1st century), to protect oneself from the rain or the sun. The umbrella is made up of a canvas (fabric that covers the frame), the plate (top part of the umbrella), the ground flap (top of the umbrella), it is the part at the top that protects the umbrella when it is hit on the ground. In short, the umbrella is an object that is sometimes used too often in our countries. Of course, there are cheap umbrellas (very often of poor quality) but some umbrellas can be quite expensive. Canvas decorations are the most unexpected and infinite or very dark and plain. The Star Wars umbrella is exceptional, especially for fans, they should have it in their collection of Star Wars related items. It is a useful gift idea for children or teenagers. An original gift for a birthday or a small party.

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Star Wars Elite Praetorian...

Protect the First Order! The Elite Praetorian Guard makes sure the great leader is protected. The guards are equipped with red armour and hunt down the rebels with bravery. Star-Wars fans. The elite Praetorian Guards were the guards of Supreme Leader Snoke, serving the First Order during the conflict against the Resistance. They wore red armour and robes reminiscent of the royal guards of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Description The name of the elite Praetorian Guards dates back to the time of the 14th Emperor of the Empire of Atrisia. The Guard consisted of eight sentries divided into four pairs, each wielding unique weapons. Each pair of guards wielded a different weapon: two guards, including the First Guard, wielded the electro-bisento, two others, including the Third Guard, wielded the Bilari electro-chain whip, two others, including the Fifth Guard, wielded the vibro-Arbir and the last two wielded the Vibro-Voulge. They were also trained in several martial arts such as the Bakuuni Hand, Teräs Kasii, Echani and techniques from Nar Kanij. Story The elite Praetorian Guards confront Kylo Ren and Rey after Snoke's death. Serving Supreme Leader Snoke during the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, the elite Praetorian Guards were often found in Snoke's throne room on the Supremacy. They usually stood behind him and were ready to intervene. Shortly after the Battle of D'Qar, when Kylo Ren went before Snoke and tried to stand up to him, the guards drew their weapons but then decided to put them away after seeing Snoke use Sith lightning on his apprentice. A little later, when Kylo Ren brought Rey to his Master, they again got into a fighting stance when Rey tried to resist Snoke by grabbing Kylo Ren's lightsaber. Finally, they prepared to fight Rey and Ren to avenge Snoke's death, which they had been unable to prevent. A violent duel ensued, during which they demonstrated their considerable combat power. Despite their fierce resistance, all eight Guards were killed by their opponents. The elite Praetorian Guards first appeared in the 2017 film Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Their name was taken from LEGO set leaks on 13 July 2017. The name was confirmed in an interview with Rian Johnson for Entertainment Weekly, in which the director said he was inspired directly by the Roman Praetorian Guard.

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Star Wars BB-8 cuddly toy

Long ago in a far, far away galaxy, BB-8, Poe Dameron's droid, obtains a fragment of a galactic map to find Luke Skywalker. In Star Wars, BB-8 starts the saga as a droid (science fiction robot) who can perform complex tasks. Lucasfilm also registered the term "Droid" in 1977 in the USA. In Star Wars, there are battle droids (trade federation) that fight alongside clones and droids that assist their holders in everyday life. However, in real life, we see increasingly intelligent robots appear thanks to the development of AI (artificial intelligence) in logistics and reception. It is certain that we are only at the beginning of the development of these robots and in a few years time we will undoubtedly reach the capacities of the robots (droids) of Star Wars. BB-8 appears for the first time in The Awakening of the Force (2015). BB-8 is very special and has a novel appearance based on two spheres: a large sphere that allows it to roll and a small sphere that has the appearance of a head and is placed on top of the large sphere. There is an interactive toy version that rolls and is controllable via smartphone. However, more affordable and adorable, this Star Wars cuddly toy will offer long hours of fun for fans.of " Star Wars ". An iconic and must-have gift that every fan should have whether they are 7 or 77 years old. The perfect gift to give for a birthday or any other celebration: Easter, St. Claus, Christmas, New Year's Eve, etc.

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Star Wars Chewbacca cuddly toy

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Chewbacca was the co-driver and best friend of smuggler Han Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon. This Star Wars character, this legendary Wookie warrior was part of the core of the rebels who rose up against the Empire. Originally from the planet Kashyyyk, he is affectionately nicknamed Chewie by his friends. Did you know that for the Chewbacca character, George Lucas was inspired by his own Indiana dog, an Alaskan Long-haired Malamute? Chewie, this ball of hair over 2 m long is recognizable among a thousand with its incomparable cries and hilarious Wookie hugs. But above all, Chewie also has a big heart. In the whole universe, there are few people as loyal and faithful as Chewbacca. Treat yourself to this legendary and very sympathetic character from the Star Wars saga. This cuddly toy will become your most loyal friend as he is Han Solo's faithful friend. Who hasn't dreamt of receiving Chewbacca? A nice gift for all Star Wars fans. For cuddling or collecting. If you are looking for a nice Star Wars gift, give the friendliest Wookie in the galaxy as a present. Indeed, Chewbacca is one of the favourite characters of the Star Wars saga. It will be ideal as a birthday or Christmas gift for a child, a teenager or an adult, because the Star Wars saga appeals to children and their parents alike. A great gift for loyal Star Wars fans. Chewbacca is sure to be one of your favourite cuddly toys.

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Star Wars X-Wing Fighter...

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, the X-wings were the most representative fighter planes of the New Republic and the Rebel Alliance. In the Star Wars universe, the X-Wing (a fighter plane) is a class of cosmic fighters. The X in the name comes from its X-shaped appearance. Over the course of the episodes, there have been many versions of this flying warplane. T-65, T-70, AC-4 and many other variants of the X-Wing, so X-Wing is its generic name. The designers of this fighter initially worked for the Empire however all the engineers changed camp to join the Rebel Alliance carrying in their luggage all the already elaborated prototypes. Each version of the X-Wing has different armaments, however many are the common points and all are able to travel in hyperspace. Today the aircraft of the future that can be found in the boxes of real companies such as Dassault are called:”Future Combat Air System” or FCAS which is an international project of a combination of interconnected military air assets. It is therefore a latest-generation fighter aircraft supported by UAVs whose interconnection is via a combat cloud (internet). Obviously, it is only a project for land fighter aircraft. For interstellar fighters, we can continue to dream thanks to the X-wing teddy bear from the Star Wars saga. The X-wing cuddly toy is therefore more than ever a great birthday present for everyone or as a gift for the end of the year. A collector's item, a must for fans of Star Wars.

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Star Wars Kylo Ren cuddly toy

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Kylo Ren first appeared as the standard-bearer of the "First Order" dictatorial organisation built on the ashes of the Galactic Empire, Kylo Ren is an admirer of Darth Vader. The origin of this story is very similar to the terrible adventures of the Nazis just after the Second World War. That is to say, the flight of the former SS to Argentina and their dark actions in the country that welcomed them. According to some journalists, Hollywood didn't want this Star Wars, created more than 40 years ago. Star Wars was initially shown in 37 cinemas, which is very little for a new film in the US. The omens and some bad language in the film critics saw no future and a big failure for Georges Lucas and his film. However, as soon as it was released, it was a success and the number of cinemas where the film was shown increased rapidly. Today, it can be said that Star Wars was one of the biggest successes of the cinema. Having become a worldwide saga, almost everyone has seen at least one episode of this galactic science fiction epic. Imagined and directed by Georges Lucas in the 70s, the first episode was a challenge for the time. Indeed, Hollywood was allergic and unfavourable to science fiction films. Kylo Ren, the character's cuddly toy straight out of Star Wars, will obviously please the many fanatics, young or still young, who collect all the pieces from this mythical saga. You can be offered or give this very nice gift, this cuddly toy for your birthday, the end of the year celebrations or for doing a good deed, in short, there is no shortage of gift opportunities.

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Star Wars Captain Phasma...

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, Captain Phasma, cold and ruthless, led legions of stormtroopers. A character who appeared in episode VII (the awakening of the force) of the mythical adventure that is Star Wars, Captain Phasma serves the First Order and obeys Kylo Ren's orders without hesitation. Easily recognisable with her black pilgrimage edged in red and covered in armour made of chrome from one of Palpatine's ships. The director was inspired by a costume from the horror film "Phantasm" . Captain Phasma had a stormtrooper under his command, which revolted, escaped and was renamed Finn. During an operation, an infiltration on the Starkiller base, Captain Phasma was intercepted, captured and imprisoned by Finn, Han Solo and Chewbacca. However, she manages to escape, despite being thrown into the rubbish compactor and just before the planet explodes. Captain Phasma is one of the only women operating with the forces of evil. Captain Phasma is therefore an anti-hero, the antithesis of the many Star Wars heroes. However, for many viewers these anti-heroes often have something solid and despite their flaws and malevolence, they are sometimes touching, counter-current and non-conformist. Characteristics that can be negative but also positive and in which many admirers can recognise themselves. Phasma's cuddly toy is therefore the ideal gift for nonconformists on the occasion of their birthday, an end of the year party or to give themselves to show their dark side.

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Star Wars Finn cuddly toy

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, Finn was taken from his parents as a child for the sole purpose of serving the First Order. Finn became a Stormtrooper and was given the number FN-2187. He is nicknamed 8 - 7 by his comrades and is considered one of the best Stormtroopers. However, Finn deserted the First Order with the help of a prisoner, Poe Dameron, a talented pilot. They join the Resistance. Poe asks him his name. He answers that he has only one number. Poe calls him Finn. Then they meet Rey, a wreck plunderer. They become friends with Chewbacca and Han Solo and fight together. Finn is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe. He is played by John Boyega in the three films of the third trilogy: The Awakening of the Force, The Last Jedi and The Ascension of Skywalker where we discover that Finn is sensitive to the Force. An important and very sympathetic character to complete your collection of Star Wars characters. A nice gift for a fan of the saga, young or old. If you too like Finn, order him for display or to play with. A birthday gift for science fiction fans. A gift for a collector of objects and toys from the Star Wars saga, a monument of the cinema, unforgettable and timeless.

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Star Wars Yoda cuddly toy

Master Yoda is one of the most famous fictional characters in Star-Wars for his wisdom, agility, gifts, combat skills, but also and above all for his special way of speaking! His phrasing, i.e. in the use, original placement, word order and the "object, subject, verb" system which is only used in very few spoken languages. For example, Yoda says”:Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.” “Always pass on what you have learned.”, “When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.`` ''Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” Here are some examples of the famous cult replicas of this character created thirty-seven years ago! According to a study of 402 languages by the linguist Russell Tomlin, listed in his publication "Functional Principles" (1987), this way of speaking is used in only 1% of the languages in our world. Yoda, undoubtedly one of the characters of the science fiction film "Star-Wars" initially "Star Wars" most appreciated and an original gift idea. Created by George Lucas, the Star-Wars saga tells above all the struggle of the forces of good against those of evil. This plush toy can be offered as a birthday present for a man a woman a child, because who doesn't know Yoda!

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Star Wars cuddly toy Darth...

A long time ago in a galaxy far,far away Darth Vader reigned on the dark side of the force. You are looking for an original teddy gift idea and you know the Star Wars Saga by heart. This Darth Vader plush is for you… For Star Wars fans we offer this Darth Vader plush. Do you dare to sleep near lazy? Undoubtedly because this Darth Vader is very nice and each morning with Darth Vader it will be the awakening of the force. But beware, don't switch to the dark side… This cuddly toy is suitable for little ones but also for big fans of the saga of Georges Lucas. It will be perfect for playing or for exhibiting in all rooms on earth and throughout the galaxy.This main character from Star Wars can also be exposed in your car on the back shelf to entertain your passengers and passers-by. With his long black cape and mask, everyone recognizes Darth Vader. The terrible bad person does not leave us indifferent. At all times the bad guys, the bad gangsters have always fascinated, whether real or not. Darth Vader is one of them. We can always say that this evil character from Star Wars will come back on the right side because there is something good in him according to Luke Skywalker, which makes this character more endearing ……. It's your turn… May the force be with you.

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